Just another blog - Mike's Rants and Highdeas Emporium

Preheating the Oven

May 28, 2020

Dear Madam/Sir,

In the hope that you would deign to Grace these Humble Pixels with thine erudite discerning Eyes, be thou as ye may, I should presume, already quite encumbered with thine noble Duties at thy Fine Establishment, Urbane Dictionarie, I shall be brief.

I submit to you one newly-discovered Phrase for consideration of inclusion within the next Edition:


“Preheating The Oven” - A mental state of anticipation, specifically which occurs after one has consumed a marijuana edible, and before feeling baked.


“Are you fucking high??”

“Umm, no. No, I’m just preheating the oven, dude. I only had that edible 20 minutes ago.”

“Well then you’re just dumb. Also, nice Phrase, thou hast.”
